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Insurance Made Easy

Tailored to suit your business

Opticians and Optical Dispensers Insurance Policies

Opticians and Optical Dispensers Insurance Policies


The insurance scheme is available  to all opticians has been developed to provide a broad range of cover for practitioners at a competitive price so that it is affordable to as wide a range of people as possible. Cover is underwritten with Lloyd’s of London.

Members of Optical Dispensers Australia (ODA) will be entitled to a discount on the premiums upon providing proof of membership of the ODA.


Policy Highlights

Medical Malpractice

Public Liability

Medical Malpractice - $1 Million Cover


This section of the policy provides cover against amounts the insured person becomes legally liable to pay, subject to the sum insured, terms and conditions of the policy, for claims arising out of the provision of health care services which cause injury to a patient caused by a negligent act, error or omission e.g. you provide glasses to an optometrist, Example: you inadvertently dispense the glasses without following the optometrist’s script resulting in a child wearing the glasses and suffering permanent damage.

The cover includes two reinstatements and the cost of investigating and defending any claim.

Public Liability – Choose Your Level of Cover


This section of the policy provides cover against amounts the insured becomes liable to pay to a third party subject to the sum insured, terms and conditions of the policy, for personal injury, loss or damage to property as a result of an occurrence happening in connection with the business e.g. an optometrist may be visiting your office or home-office and trip over equipment left lying on the floor and sustains an injury preventing him from working for 18 months. The claim for lost income will be covered under this policy.

You have the power to choose the cover that suits your needs. We offer cover options of $10 million or $20 million, each including two reinstatements of cover. Additionally, it covers the cost and defence of any claim, providing you with comprehensive protection of investigation.

Do you Realise


You don’t have to have done something wrong for someone to take legal action against you. If they allege you have been negligent you can be faced with significant legal expenses in defending yourself. If the nature of the claims falls within the scope of the policy your legal expenses will be covered.

Annual Premiums


  • Medical Malpractice policy options available up to $10 Million.

  • Public Liability policy options up to $20 Million.


  • ODA Members - from as low as $380.00 per year

  • Non-ODA Members - from as low as $413.00 per year.

Additional Covers – Optical Equipment – Choose Your Level of Cover


Competitive cover is also available for your optical equipment including theft, fire damage and accidental damage


Sample Premiums

Equipment Value                    Premium
$40,000                                   $636.00
$50,000                                   $665.00
$60,000                                   $787.00


The cover is provided for the repair or replacement of the equivalent item if the item cannot be repaired. Cover is underwritten with Protecsure and by Chubb Insurance Australia Limited and is on an indication basis only.


Important Matters


This information is intended to convey information of a general nature only and does not modify the policy wording in any way. A copy of the policy is available on request. Amounts payable will be limited to the sum insured, the policy and any excess that applies.


For assistance, please call IME on 1800 64 1260

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